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US Navy Veterans Lung Cancer Advocate Urges a Navy Veteran Who Was a Welder in the Navy-Post Navy Who Now Has Lung Cancer to Call About The Best Compensation And Top Lawyers to Get The Job Done

“If were a welder in the US Navy, or post navy and you have lung cancer-please call us at 866-714-6466-for direct access to some of the nation’s top asbestos lawyers-who can assist with compensation.”

— US Navy Veterans Lung Cancer Advocate

WASHINGTON , DC, USA, May 9, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ — According to the US Navy Veterans Lung Cancer. “If your husband or dad is a Navy Veteran and he was a welder in the navy-or post navy before 1983-please call us about what might be significant financial compensation if he has recently been diagnosed with lung cancer. Financial compensation for a person like this might exceed $100,000-if they can get specific about their asbestos exposure in the navy or post navy as we are always happy to discuss anytime at 866-714-6466.

“Unlike almost any other work group welders-prior to 1983 wore gear that was partially made of asbestos including their apron-vest, gloves, and helmet. Even welding rods used before the mid-1980s contained asbestos. A Navy welder-or welder would have probably also had significant exposure to asbestos when welding equipment, machinery, boilers, and common parts found on a ship, submarine, or post navy in construction, manufacturing, power plants, refineries, etc.

“If your husband or dad was a welder in the US Navy, or post navy and he has just been diagnosed with lung cancer-please call us at 866-714-6466-for direct access to some of the nation’s top asbestos lawyers-who can assist with compensation. There are deadlines-called statutes of limitations when it comes to a person like this and their compensation-so don’t put off starting the compensation process.” https://USNavyLungCancer.Com

To get compensated a Navy Veteran-Veteran with asbestos exposure lung cancer the following is required:

* The Navy Veteran-Veteran must have been exposed to asbestos prior to 1983 in the armed forces.

* The Navy Veteran’s-Veteran’s exposure to asbestos must have been substantial and must have involved exposure to asbestos involving more than one product. The ideal Veteran who now has asbestos exposure lung cancer for the Advocate would be one who worked as a mechanic, machinist, assisted shipyard workers at a shipyard, worked as an electrician, as a construction worker, plumber or pipefitter, or a member of a repair crew.

* The Navy Veteran-Veteran must be able to get very specific about how, where and when they were exposed to asbestos.

* It is vital the Navy Veteran, or Veteran have a confirmed diagnosis of lung cancer. This will include medical records that confirm their lung cancer, service records that list the Veteran’s job or specialty. https://USNavyLungCancer.Com

The Advocate says, “We do not want to overwhelm a Navy Veteran-Veteran who now has asbestos exposure lung cancer with a long checklist-but to get compensated-all of these things will be necessary. Our appeal is nationwide. If the person, we have just described sounds like your husband, dad or relative–please share this article with them or their family and have them call us at 866-714-6466.” https://USNavyLungCancer.Com

Michael Thomas
US Navy Veterans Lung Cancer Advocate
+1 866-714-6466
email us here

Originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/709913039/us-navy-veterans-lung-cancer-advocate-urges-a-navy-veteran-who-was-a-welder-in-the-navy-post-navy-who-now-has-lung-cancer-to-call-about-the-best

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